Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Global Warming

Greenhouse effect does not allow escape of reflated radiation from earth to space. Due to this, the reflected radiation come back to earth surface and finally increase the atmospheric temperature  Therefore, the mean ambient temprature of earth is continuously increasing at the rate of 0.5 to per1 degree centigarte per decade. It is known as global warming.

Some of the predicted effects of global warming are discussed here:

1. Ozone depletion : -
The concentration of carban di oxide in air, which is most responsible greenhouse gas, is continously increasing. It is also influcing the depletion of ozone layer in atmosphere which protect life on earth from U.V. radiation coming from the sun.

2. Seal level : -
Warming of the earth's atmosphere i.e. global warming will lead to warming of the upper layer of the ocean which lead to the tharmal expansion of  water. The expansion raises the sea level. Increasing sea level is also     responsible for submergence of many low lying coasted areas.

3. Effect on species distribution : -
Due to global warming, distribution of different species or organisms also change from altitude and latitude. Many species are migrating towards polar areas due to moderately high temprature.
Rapid rise i temprature also cause death of tree which are temperature  sensitive. Due to this, many species are going to disapper because they  are migrate fast according to desired temprature.

4. Food production : -
In temprature region, small rise in temprature may enhance the crop productivity but larger temprature change will decrease the crop productivity.Global warming reduces drop productivity or food production due to increased plant diseases, pets, weeds etc.desite of beneficial carbon di oxide fertilization effect.

5. Marine ecosystem : -
Due to increasing concentration of carbon di oxide ocean are expected to absorb more and more carban di oxide and decompose in the form of carbonic acid.

6. Effect on weather and climate : -
Due to global warming, the average mean temprature of earth is expected  to increased by 1.4 degree to 5.8 degree centigrate by the year 2100 from year 1900. It increases the moisture carrying capacity of the atmosphere and also changes the precipitation pattern at deficient latitudes. Precipitation is more at higher latitude and less at lower latitude.